Sunday, August 23, 2020
Tell About the Time When You Gained Something Precious Free Essays
It was cold that October morning in Elizabeth City, NC. I scarcely dozed at all the prior night and 4a. m. We will compose a custom article test on Disclose to About the Time When You Gained Something Precious or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now had come early. It didn’t matter; I must be at the medical clinic at 6a. m. It was at last an ideal opportunity for the world to meet infant Valarey and for infant Valarey to meet the world. The time had come, time to have my valuable child. By 7a. m. I was snared to my IV. By 9a. m. the medical attendants had me snared to a fetal screen that checked my infant and my constrictions. I was currently stuck in this not all that agreeable bed until after my child was conceived. My work had begun its own yet my primary care physician chose to begin a Pitocin trickle to actuate my work and cause it to go somewhat quicker. It was currently 4p. m. what's more, was the ideal opportunity for the epidural. My significant other nearly dropped in the wake of watching the stretched needle go into the little of my back! It took everything in me to murmur â€Å"Something’s wrong†to the medical attendant. Everything went dull and I could hear a blaring commotion that seemed like it was blurring out there. I was biting the dust, gradually evading this world. At the point when I at last recaptured cognizance I took a gander at my better half with apprehension. The expression all over was finished fear. He revealed to me that my pulse had plunged and they had nearly lost me. The attendant asked me how I was feeling and I disclosed to her I was alright. It appeared as though I had been out for an exceptionally significant time-frame yet my better half said it was just seconds. He said that the attendant needed to infuse me with some crisis medicine to take my circulatory strain back to ordinary. It was currently about 9p. m. also, the attendant disclosed to me the time had come to have my infant. It was pushing time! You could see the energy is my husband’s face. I was similarly as energized! We were going to meet our subsequent child. To at last observe what she resembled, to hear the hints of here cries and to feel her delicate skin. The pushing started however the specialist was not in the room yet. My knees were up to my ears and my jawline was on my chest as I pushed energetically, hunkering down as hard as could reasonably be expected. In the wake of pushing extremely hard multiple times everybody in the room began to shout stop! Quit pushing! I thought something wasn't right. The baby’s head was out. Her delightful mysterious blue eyes were rippling like a butterflies wings. Delicate, fine practically white, light hair and ivory light complexion was the primary thing we saw of her. The specialist strolled in the room all prepared and the pushing started once more. After only a couple of more pushes our second infant young lady was conveyed. She was 8lbs even and 19 1/2in long. Valarey Joyce Hunter was conceived at 9:45p. m. on October 30th, 2001. She was the most delightful and limitless thing I had ever observed. The most effective method to refer to Tell About the Time When You Gained Something Precious, Essays
Friday, August 21, 2020
Gathering Data-Interviews or Observations Essays
Social affair Data-Interviews or Observations Essays Social affair Data-Interviews or Observations Essay Social affair Data-Interviews or Observations Essay Get-together Data-Interviews or Observations Name: Organization: Get-together Data-Interviews or Observations : Presentation Meetings and direct perceptions are strategies for gathering subjective information, which is valuable in leading examination. There are different methods of leading a meeting. As indicated by ‘The ethnographic interview’, the creator, Spradley says that a meeting could begin by taking a physical or verbal visit and getting some information about significant places en route. Another path is by basically setting up a poll with questions identifying with the information, which the analyst means to gather. Perception should be possible by viewing of specific practices from a separation while taking notes of the considerable number of changes that are happening with that specific youngster or condition. Reactions to the Questions Asked Connections That Researchers Should Have With Children Analysts ought to build up a neighborly relationship with the members to make the information assortment process simple. They should guarantee that the member is in a protected domain, and ought to be neighborly to them to diminish dread in them since kids will in general feel alarmed in a new situation or with new individuals. General Knowledge Required Before Research There are various realities that scientists ought to have about kids preceding directing an exploration on them. Family foundation, likes, detests inabilities either truly or intellectually, and times of the youngsters are a portion of the subtleties that ought to be noted. Age, for instance, is a significant truth to note since it empowers the analyst to realize how to address a particular member and the language to be utilized. Extra Skills Required Spectators and questioners ought to be very productive so as to lead a decent research. Extra abilities like association and tidiness when gathering information, builds the effectiveness of an analyst. This permits simple recovery of data when required. An exploration procedure is a strategy for gathering and investigating crude information to reason valuable data in taking care of an issue. Analysts ought to likewise be quick to detail, particularly when utilizing the perception technique in light of the fact that watched subtleties are more exact than recorded outcomes, as far as time. Helpful Knowledge and Dispositions Analysts ought to have some type of information with regards to watching and tuning in to kids. It is pivotal for scientists to have attitudinal information, which is the information picked up due to past understanding by specialists. An air is ‘a example of conduct showed frequently’ (Katz 1993 pg16). They should likewise have attractive miens to improve children’s comprehension of different ideas. Significance of Interviews and Direct Observation to Other Topics Utilizing the utilization of meetings and direct perception is valuable when taking care of specific subjects in youth. Most youngsters, in youth, can't separate plainly great from terrible. As an analyst, watching their conduct is basic, right them assuming incorrectly and teach them on the significance of doing great. It is likewise urgent to draw in them in interviews, which make a gathering for them to talk about points, which require grown-up mentorship. Assessment of Using Interviews and Direct Observation Utilizing interviews and direct perception strategies are both valuable in doing youth inquire about. As much as both have their focal points and disservices, watching is an increasingly reasonable way to deal with the theme being referred to. This is on the grounds that perception assesses occasions as they occur, in this way, the information gathered is progressively precise. Meetings depend generally on verbally expressed word, and it is hard to believe that a member is as a rule altogether legit. This, thusly, esteems perception progressively effective. References MacNaughton, G., R., S. Siraj-Blutchford, I. (2010). Doing youth explore: Universal points of view on hypothesis and practice (second Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Spradley, J. P. (2011). The ethnographic meeting. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth. (86)
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Performance Enhancing Drugs The Danger for Students
Performance Enhancing Drugs What Are They and Why Are Students Using Them? 18/11/2019 Recently, multiple UK and US universities have been reporting the increased use of ‘smart drugs’ by their students. Similar to doping in sport, these substances temporarily boost concentration and mental stamina and allow students to learn more productively and gain extraordinary levels of academic prowess. However, nootropics are prescription drugs that have substantial detrimental health effects according to experts, which makes the consequences of this trend more dangerous than mere academic cheating. Let us explore the problem more in detail. What Are Performance-Enhancing Drugs? Nootropics are prescription drugs that were originally designed to support the cognitive functions of patients with dementia and other brain-related diseases. Their use by healthy individuals has been a highly controversial topic since many of them have substantial adverse effects while scientific studies regarding their benefits as dietary supplements have shown mixed results. While the market for Adderall, Modafinil, Ritalin, and other performance-enhancing drugs has been growing at a frightening rate, one must keep in mind that only qualified doctors can predict the long-term effects of their use. Since students frequently mix them with alcohol or other medications, the outcomes of such practices may be even more disastrous. Why Are They Used? While mobile apps and other technological means can effectively boost your learning productivity, performance-enhancing drugs instantly increase all range of your cognitive functions including long-term memory and focus. They are widely applied by overworked Silicon Valley professionals who constantly seek to increase their productivity and prevent the burnout effects that have become almost inevitable in the modern start-up mentality.  What Are Students Using Them For? The constantly increasing workloads have been taking their toll on both academic professionals and students. Multiple NHS studies have confirmed that work overloads, exam worries, and other study-related problems are the primary antecedents of the growing rates of mental issues and depression. At the same time, academic practitioners rarely offer solutions to these challenges frequently leaving students on their own with their problems. The use of performance-enhancing drugs may seem like an easy way to complete that long-delayed essay overnight or make sure that your memory functions are 100% up to the task before that critical course exam. Moreover, you may actually feel the pressure to take ‘smart pills’ since everyone else is already using them. This is similar to competing in Olympics where doping users have an unfair competitive advantage and cannot be beaten. What Are the Supposed Benefits and Risks of Taking Performance-Enhancing Drugs? The primary benefit of performance-enhancing drugs such as Adderall is the improvement of long-term memory functions. Simply speaking, you can recall the memorised facts more accurately and avoid forgetfulness. Other drugs including Ritalin boost your focus allowing you to better concentrate on academic learning activities. To understand the risks associated with these medicines, you should take a look at their original purpose. Most of them were developed for senior patients suffering from Alzheimer disease, dementia, and the general decline in cognitive functions. While this may sound cruel, the pharmaceutical companies were not focused on minimising potential long-term adverse effects since the users primarily took performance-enhancing drugs to improve their quality of life through a limited number of their sunset years. Hence, there is virtually no clinical data on how these substances will affect the brain and body of young students by the time they turn 50. Some Silicon Valley users taking performance-enhancing drugs under professional medical supervision have already reported multiple side effects from their continued use such as anxiety, nausea, and vertigo. If you self-administer these substances uncontrollably, you are effectively playing Russian roulette with your health. The modern academic environment has been excessively harsh on students in recent years. There is a good reason why performance-enhancing drugs have been reportedly used by more than 15% of Oxford students at least once. However, their short-term benefits are far outweighed by potential long-term effects, which is why we do not recommend you to risk damaging your health. If you are really struggling with an academic challenge that seems completely unmanageable to you, you can always seek essay writing help to get quality essay writing samples or order a custom essay or coursework. Posted in University Work
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
A Linguistic Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Address
Rhythm and Rhetoric: A Linguistic Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Address Liilia Batluk Supervisor: Stuart Foster School of Humanities Halmstad University Bachelor’s thesis in English Acknowledgment My appreciations to my supervisor Stuart Foster for very helpful advice during the research. Abstract In this essay I shall analyze Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address, January, 2009 from the perspective of various linguistic techniques. More specifically, I shall propose and focus on the idea that the composition of the speech has an aim to create a unity of the speaker and the audience in order to deliver the message. Moreover, the speaker maintains the atmosphere of unity throughout the speech, so that the speech produces an effect when the†¦show more content†¦Having been skillfully coordinated, they create the 1 performance that aims the delivery of the message. I will focus on the structural and functional properties of the language, the combination of which enables the speaker to achieve the goal of the performance. In chapter 2, I will introduce the historical and cultural context in which the speech was made. Context is defined as â€Å"circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or an idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood†(Oxford Dictionary of English, context noun). Defining the term context as dynamic, Mey states that it â€Å"is about understanding what things are for; it is also what gives our utterance their true pragmatic meaning†(41). The context is vital for analysis of any speech, particularly made in public. I will draw attention to the historical, cultural and social circumstances during the election campaign, which preceded the Presidential address. In subchapter 2.1, the cultural and social background of Obama will be descr ibed. During a presidential campaign, any personal details of a candidate may be significant; they indicate the electors’ preferences and, possibly, expectations. A President’s address, in turn, is based on audience’s expectations. That is why, I think, this aspect should be taken into account whileShow MoreRelatedrhetorical analysis of obamas political speeches5660 Words  | 23 PagesCritical Discourse Analysis of Obamas Political Discourse Juraj Horvà ¡th Abstract This paper examines the persuasive strategies of President Obamas public speaking as well as the covert ideology of the same, enshrined in his inaugural address. Our analysis is grounded in Norman Faircloughs assumptions in critical discourse analysis, claiming that ideologies reside in texts that it is not possible to read off ideologies from texts and that texts are open to diverse interpretations
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
E-Business Assignment - 4191 Words
E-Business Assignment NAME: GONG YUCHENG DATE: 02/2003 The Internet and Web provide an infrastructure that enables buyers and sellers to find each other online. Companies are now having new sales channels for their products and services, and numerous electronic markets are available for buying and selling at offer prices or through various auction mechanism. Therefore, e-business could include almost all of the issues facing companies who practice business online, including: payment processing, software applications that manage customers or trading partners, outsourced applications and globalization. In the past two years, e-business seems to have permeated every aspect of daily life. In just a short time, both individuals and†¦show more content†¦Even more, the brand value of Ford has arrived $36.4 billion which is in the first place of automobile industry. There are basically four components of a business model as Rayport and Jaworski (2001) pointed out: 1) A value proposition or a value cluster for targeted customers ¡Ã‚ ªproducts; 2) A marketspace offering ¡Ã‚ ªmarket; 3) A unique, defendable resource system; 4) Financial model. Firstly, a value proposition or a value cluster is one of the most important components of a business model. The construction of a value proposition or a value cluster requires management to specify the following three items according to Rayport and Jaworski (2001): (1) choice of target segment/segments, (2) choice of focal customer benefits/combination benefits, (3) rationale for why the firm/and its partners can deliver the benefit package significantly better than competitors. The difference between a value proposition and a value cluster might because the customization capabilities is available to online business, multiple segments of clusters can be addressed with a variety or combination of benefits offered. l Choice of segment/segments: As we already knew that at the beginning of the both companies their segment is automobile. With the growth, they attend to diversify their productsShow MoreRelatedE-Business Assignment2231 Words  | 9 PagesStudent name: Marcelo Chabes Student number: 3783 Class: MKT 1 Assignment 1 - Compare the E-Business strategies of TWO companies. Case study chosen: X Introduction Firstly let’s talk about Amazon Inc. which is an American e-commerce company in Seattle, Washington. Amazon was one of the first major companies to sell goods by Internet, and was an iconic stock in which to invest of the late 1990s dot-com bubble. 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Communication Styles Worksheet free essay sample
Associate Program Material Appendix A Communication Styles Worksheet You spent the past few days exploring the resources available to students at University of Phoenix, and you want to share what you learned with a friend who is interested in enrolling. Write a 150- to 200-word e-mail to your friend summarizing the resources available to students. Hey Dyan, So as you know I have been in school online and I am really enjoying it. I really want to encourage you to do it as well. It is so easy and completely fool proof! Oh my gosh seriously you need to try it too. Right from my home page I can access the library where I can get research done or check my papers for potential plagiarism or errors. I can access different tutorials and labs ranging from ways to avoid plagiarism to java programming. I can even get assistance in math. There is a media library as well as so many other resources like a normal library. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication Styles Worksheet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I don’t have to worry about getting in the car and going to the school to fight for a computer in their library. It is all just right here. The best part is I can do this online at home. Or when I am at work on break I can get on it from my phone. Easy stuff! Anyhow just let me know what you think. I would love to hear you are also going back to school as well. You asked your facilitator to review your e-mail draft. She liked what you wrote and asked you to write a summary to post in the class forum for the other students to read. Write a 150- to 200-word summary for your class of the resources available to students. Remember to write using an academic tone. University of phoenix has many resources available to current students in the library. From the home screen after log in you can access the library easily by clicking the library tab at the top center of your page. On the library main page there are mini tabs at the top where you can access the university library, media library, center for writing excellence and center for mathematics excellence. These links are also on the page with their own sub links. In the center of your screen is a box for researching the university library or to take a few tutorials. Under the box is links provided where you can get help with writing papers or submit your paper for grammar and plagiarism review. You can access the student labs for help with anything from avoiding plagiarism to java programming. There is also a group of mini links for the center for mathematics to give you a little coaching and boost. These links are very easy to navigate through and to. You can access them from your home computer or on your laptop where ever an internet connection is available so there is no need to drive to campus and wait on a computer or assistance.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Manufacture Of Military Munitions And The Development Of A Home Ma
? The manufacture of military munitions and the development of a home market were critical underpinnings of the first industrial revolution in Britain. Military manufacturing supported by the British Government contributed directly to technological innovation and spurred industrialization. This is because the companies that choose to fulfill the government contracts to make military munitions found money could be made if new processes and technology was developed to fulfill the huge contracts. Military manufacturing was one of the few industries where innovation was rewarded. In most other industries conservative investors were reluctant to invest in new manufacturing technology. But in military manufacturing the government was the investor and was unconcerned with the manufacturing technology as long as the product was delivered on time. Many technological advances were made through military manufacturing some of these were new ways to manufacture iron, conveyer belts, and the use machine tools . The technology developed for military manufacturing then spilled over into the civilian sector of the economy. And because it was now a tested technology investors who were normally cautious were willing to put their capital into these ventures which instead of pouring iron to make guns now made iron ore into stoves and pots. ? The second critical underpinning of the first industrial revolution was the development of a home market in Britain. The first British industrialists manufactured textiles; specifically cotton for the home market. The growth of the home market in Britain promoted industrialization in several ways. First, it was a steady market which able to cushion the export market which was very dynamic and had sudden fluctuations. This allowed a steady rate of growth even when exports fell. Second, the home market started the process of urbanization by causing people to leave the agricultural sector of the economy and move to the cities to work in the cotton and textile factories. This urbanization had a snowballing effect throughout the economy because it caused other business and factories to open in the cities to support this new urban class. Third, the home market caused investments to be made in improving infrastructure including roads, bridges and canals. This paved the way for industria lization which needed an efficient system to transport goods from factory to market. The home market also provided the base for other industries such as coal. This was because the home market created greater urbanization and thus the need for coal in urban England grew. The military sector of the economy provided some of the key technological innovations that promoted industrialization. And the home market that was produced by the cotton textile trade promoted improvements in infrastructure and spurred other industries to develop.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Ethnocentrism Essay Example
Ethnocentrism Essay Example Ethnocentrism Paper Ethnocentrism Paper This natural circumstance can be expected to emerge where a unity is established between different ethnic, racial or linguistic groups. The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particularize ethnic group or culture especially with concern to language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic divergence and politeness serve to define each ethnicity unique cultural identity. According to textbook The Health Anthology of American Literature It exemplifies the term ethnocentrism that predominated during the Early Colonial period. During the time period of sasss one of the most prominent examples of ethnocentrism is when the Europeans first came to America and had their first initial encounters with the Native Americans. This resulted between a cultural differences that led to frequent clashes which prevailed to destruction of land and people. These differences included elisions practices and ruling practices, among others. Unfortunately, these cultural distinctions ended in blood shed during war or captivity, which ultimately forced the Native Americans to be assimilated into European culture. For Instance,before the Europeans arrived the Mays felt in harmony with their environment, and so express the Amman perception of the result of the Spanish Conquest. In the Beginning of Sickness, the Mays stated: there was no sickness; they had no aching bones; they had then no high fever, they had no smallpox, etc 5). This explains that the Mays lived a lifestyle of peace, and did not have to worry about living In fear, until there whole life changed when the Europeans arrived. When the Europeans arrived, the Mays stated: they brought shameful things beginning of robbery and violence, the beginning of forced debts, the beginning of debts enforced by false testimony. It was intrusion that forced upon the Amman culture a complete transformation. Everything the Mays believed in , every bit of their culture was destroyed in the hands of the Europeans. Even the Mays language must have been transformed to accommodate the language of the conqueror (6). On the Other hand, another example of ethnocentrism reflected on how the Puritans believed that only their religion was the correct one and all others will be fulminated against. The Puritans inhabited a moral code that everyone had to obey under their authority; therefore if someone refused to follow then they must be punished. This became a major controversial issue which led to the Salem Witch Trials. This social upheaval resulted from the growing tensions in a land-hungry community with an overabundance of unmarried women; on the other hand it represented communal Puritan doubt turned Into self-mutilation (362). Another example Is Anne Hutchinson who was persecuted and expelled as well as proving beliefs in individual grace and criticized the dual nature of religion and the government. Puritans believed that all people were equal before God but that women were inferior to men because they were tainted by Eves quilt (361 Therefore, the magistrates who tried Anna Hutchinson commented upon her masculine behavior as much as they commented upon her religious beliefs. Another Isles (317) when John Smith encounters with the Native Americans and held captive he describes the Native Americans as backward, barbaric, and dangerous. John Smith saw firsthand the hostile actions, different clothes, and inferior technology of the Native Americans. John Smith describes them as being, more like a devil than a man, with some two hundred more as blacks as himself (p. 18). The ethnocentrism of European settlers also created a disconnection between the Native Americans and the whites that created an American identity founded on the universal principles obtainable to the European settlers. In the Creation of Whites, the progressive power of the white man was subtlety addressed as they said, After they had taken away the shallow box, the whites came back and told the Indians their land was very strong and fertile. So they asked the Indians to give them a portion of it that they might live on it (78). This explains that more and more Europeans came back with ACH trip to America, each time asking for more and more resources. Upon the Native Americans support the Europeans were able to become secured people. Therefore, this little bit of help from the Indians was used against them in the continuation of settlement with no reciprocal help from the whites. Clearly, ethnocentrism has caused a problem amongst many cultural differences throughput centuries. It prevented others from understanding another,let alone taking them seriously.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
A Mnemonic Device Can Be Used
A Mnemonic Device Can Be Used The beginning development of mnemonic starts with a poet named Simonides of Ceos in fifth century B.C. This mnemonic invented by the Greeks for memory training around 2500 years ago. The Greek lyric poet Simonides, born in 556 B.C., is attributed with inventing mnemonics. His creation have great benefit thought us, many people success is because using this mnemonic method. There do many types of mnemonics device exist and which type works best is limited only by the imagination of each individual learner. Here are the 9 basic types of mnemonics device presented in this paper include Music, Name, Expression/Word, Model, Ode/Rhyme, Note Organization, Image, Connection, and Spelling Mnemonics. Mnemonics are memory devices that help learners remember larger pieces of information, especially in the form of lists like characteristics, steps, stages, parts, phases, etc. Mnemonics device try to transform information into a form that the human brain can remember better than its original form . Although the process of applying this transformation might already aid the transfer of information to long-term memory but this is still benefit to learner. The mnemonic device commonly practice for lists and in auditory form, such as short poems, acronyms, or memorable phrases, but mnemonics can also be for other types of information and in visual or kinesthetic forms. This device use is based on the examination that the human brain more easily remembers many form of information. In our daily, we have to remember everything. In school, we have to remember all the knowledge about subject; in workplace, we have to remember all the information about our task, in order to remember this entire thing we have to find out what method can enhance our memory. In my example, I am hardly to spell â€Å"mnemonic†, so I use the concept of mnemonic device and create my word, which is â€Å"Mnemonic Notes Effective Memorized on New Ideas Creativity†. From my creation, I know that every first letter for every word is â€Å"Mnemonic†. Using this method, we not only can spell out those difficult words and also can remember it. Mnemonic device play an important role in our daily life, although it is important, it still has their limitations or advantages and disadvantages. For the advantage of mnemonic devices is it provide a method to help us recall those information which is difficult to remember. Moreover, it involve rearranging or restructuring information that help our personalize information to become a smart learner. Other than that, it also increases our interest to study by creating my way to learn with information. Lastly, mnemonic devices will help us spend less time on retrieving our information in long term memory when we properly use it. Beside advantages, mnemonic devices also have some limitation. If a person uses mnemonics too frequently, he or she will have confusion on their learning process. For example, we use mnemonic to remembe r difficult word, but he or she who too extensively using mnemonic will use this method on every word no matter the word is difficult or not. This problem will occur on those who too rely on mnemonics. In addition, this mnemonic device need more time to practice, create and learn. If someone still cannot understand the practice, which mean that he or she is just wasting time to practice it.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Human Resources Planning, Recruitment & Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Human Resources Planning, Recruitment & - Essay Example The discussion will also outline various issues that can affect HR planning at policy level within the organisation. It also seeks to discuss the measures that can be implemented within the next five years in order to influence an effective HR planning strategy. In any organisation, human resources management (HRM) plays a very important function to its survival and viability. As such, this report is mainly concerned with outlining a critical analysis of the use of internal and external environments of an organisation within the context of HR planning. The report will focus on the operations of JBS Australia Pty Ltd which is a foreign owned private company owned by Brazilian-based JBS SA, the worlds largest meat processor. The report starts by outlining the overview of the company and this will be followed by explanation of key concepts. Internal as well as external factors will be explained in detail as well as the measures that can be put in place within the next five years in order to improve the operations of the organisation with regards to its HR functions. According to IBISWorld (2009), â€Å"JBS Australia Pty Ltd is a foreign owned private company owned by Brazilian-based JBS SA, the worlds largest meat processor. Swift Australia generates the majority of its income from the processing and distribution of meat and its by-products.†This company is based in Riverview, Queensland and it employs over 4,000 people. JBS Australia is responsible for processing and distributing meat products such as beef, mutton, lamb, Veal and offal as well as other by-products such as hides, skins, blood and bone among others. The company operates the following brands: King Island Beef, Swift Premium Beef, Tasmanian Premium Beef, Friboi Beef and Beef City Black. Planning with regards to human resources management (HRM) is primarily concerned with defining the goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Meeting the Challenge of Educating English Language Learners Scholarship Essay
Meeting the Challenge of Educating English Language Learners - Scholarship Essay Example BIBLIOGRAPHY noted that these foreign students are the fastest growing group entering our schools, especially in urban settings. Although there are millions of immigrants in this country and endless resources geared towards their education, the educational performance of our new community members is one of the lowest in the country ( BIBLIOGRAPHY). As an educator for over seventeen years, the author of this paper believes that the challenge of educating English as Second Language learners is without a question a task which has been adequately explored by only a few districts. These districts are the ones that are truly prepared to see the value of language and culture as an opportunity to educate learners and to effectively integrate them into our schools and community at large. Hence, it is imperative for all districts to understand the magnitude of the challenge of teaching language and content to English as Second Language learners within the same hours of a day and in the same nu mber of days per year as English learners. The Challenge Despite the efforts of educational leaders to educate all students it is interesting to analyze the impact of this education on newcomers. Firstly, although school districts continuously develop new initiatives and interventions the end result is usually the same - the initiatives essentially create a lack of access to meaningful education to the newcomer. Thus, one can conclude that school districts are still in the dark about how to specifically and effectively educate newcomers since most of the interventions become new failing attempts to successfully educate these students from foreign countries. A second rationale for the lack of effectiveness of these new initiatives is the fact that former immigrant students were intimately connected to members with the same cultural and language background. The author of this paper believes that it is this network of support which provided a source of strength and acculturation for th e continued success of a given group. However, it is evident that the United States is now experiencing a tremendously large increase of students who are new immigrants who are isolated from mainstream society due to the lack of connections, resources and networking experienced by the former immigrants. At an alarmingly rapid rate more and more immigrants from oppressed nations are entering our cities, usually, as refugees. As such the challenges of these immigrant students are more severe than any of the previous groups. Consequently, it is has become critical to bridge the cultural and linguistic gaps of these immigrant students. Educational institutions within the school districts are not prepared or equipped to assimilate the multiple academic and socio emotional needs of these new students and their families. Accordingly, the institutions are faced with the daunting task of educating individuals who not only have diverse language and cultural backgrounds in English but also ind ividuals who have limited exposure to formal education. Moreover, many of these students have experienced trauma in their home land and are now facing the acculturation shock of trying to fit in to our communities. The assimilation process which incorporates student engagement, parent engagement, discipline problems and eventually student exclusion has a significant impact in the culture of the school. Exclusion, the foremost by-product of
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Lifestyle Incongruence :: Economy, Minorities, Poverty
The situation that places African-Americans along with other minorities at an economic disadvantage because blacks tend to earn less than whites which often force blacks to pick between paying rent or providing food to make it daily. The hierarchy of needs are not being meet psychologically is a stressor that can produce health related illness that can effect a community as a whole if no intervention are made. (16) In exploring the impact that cultural model on the African-American community, William Dressler and James Bindon case study entitled, â€Å"The Health consequence of cultural consonance; cultural dimension of lifestyle, social support and arterial blood pressure in an African American community. â€Å" In the case study, Dressler and Bindon focus on the areas of society, culture and individual health; cultural models, cultural consonance and cultural consonance; and blood pressure in the African American community. The first goal of this research involves determining if there are shared models of lifestyle and social support in the community. Two, determine what the separate associations of cultural consonance in lifestyle and cultural consonance in social support are with blood pressure. Lastly, determine if there is a synergism between cultural consonance in social support in relations to stress (blood pressure). In society, culture and individual health, Dressler and Bindon noted that, socioeconomic status refers to the position of the individual in a system of ranked status based on criteria that include occupation, income and education. (9). Social integration refers to the degree to which individuals report social connections based on marital status, membership in voluntary associations, and interaction with friends and relative. (10) In return, a lower ranking on socioeconomic status is associated with an increase risk of disease. Higher levels of social integration are associated with a reduced risk of disease. (11) Furthermore, being lower in the status hierarchy, or being socially, isolated, could conceivably be associated with a wide variety of factors from not getting a sufficient amount of exercise to perceptions of stress on a daily basis. (12) Perspective epidemiological research designs are fairly efficient at ruling out alternative explanations by taking into account (or controlling for) exposure to other kinds of risks. (13) Thus, numerous studies have shown that the risk of disease associated with status role positions remains unaffected by controlling for pre-existing health problems, obesity access to medical care, dietary patterns, smoking; drinking and similar sorts of factors known to have effects on health.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Evaluate the Impact of Changes in the Economic Environment
Evaluate the impact of changes in the economic environment on a selected business – D1 After various changes to the economic tax and interest rate, CPHP have conducted and compiled research into current public spending. The results show that there has been a dramatic reduction in the level of public spending in the UK. The changes in economic environment will affect a business, the profit of the business will be affected because its affect the price and income of a business, which are the main aspect of a business.If Tesco decides to change the price of their goods, for example; the price of their doughnut in 2009 was 5 pieces for a pound, a reasonable price for students but with the economic environment it affected everything with the introduction of VAT from 17. 5% to 20% made the price of the doughnut to now cost around 1. 30p the change is affordable for some people but for other people it is not affordable. The reality of this economic environment is that when the price c hange and it becomes higher, consumers get less happy and this affects our range of time of buying certain products.The article above shows how the economic environment tax income is affecting prices as a whole, the price of cigarettes and alcohol in going to increase. This will affect Tesco because this is where they make most of their sales from. They have almost to sessions for both cigarettes and alcohol. When these products increase, it means their sales on these products will reduce because not a lot of customers will still be buying these products.Another policy that will affect the business Tesco is the fact their employee can’t work more than 39 hours, this policy will have impact on the business because they will have to recruit more workers and especially for the big 24 hours Tesco. This will affect Tesco income because it will increase the rate of their outcome because they will spend a lot of money on paying their workers. Another important economic environment i mpact will be the fact that Tesco will have to apply for more loans to be able to successfully run the business until it’s able to make enough money by itself and rely only on their income.This will affect Tesco growth because the loans will affect their income, cash flow and business image. Tesco will pay more and profit will drop. Tesco also have social factors that affect them, as the business have charity centre in helping the less privilege people and the more these people gets poor, the more they will have to stretch to help out which also spending money. Recession causes unemployment, this will affect the demand for goods and Tesco profit will drop.An economic factor that might affect Tesco is the demand of the consumer and customer which will decrease with the different problems; people are having in the world. As the demand decrease so the economy of the business will decrease and the profit of the business will decrease too. This refers in the fiscal and monetary, f or example since when the government decided to raise the VAT from 17. 5% to 20%, the business increase their goods price and due to that reason the customers do not purchase enough goods like they used.Social factors refer in the trend of customer which keeps changing their trend, and what the trend of their purchase. For example nowadays due to people’s work, they are really busy so they often decide to buy already cooked food. Technology refers in how Tesco adopt online shopping to attract customer, to purchase goods and services from the business. Another technology might be the introduction of delivery which refers in how the businesses deliver their goods around the customer’s address.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Impact Of The Indian Act On Aboriginal Individuals,...
Due to the damage the Acts, policies, and treaties had towards Aboriginal individuals, communities, and cultures, there has been a focus on the reconciliation. The Acts, policies, and treaties have created a deep mistrust on the part of First Nations people towards the government. Especially the impact of the Indian Act, which led so many children to suffer as they were abused physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally while attending the Residential Schools. Thus, it is important to heal the relationship and come to a point where non-Natives support the Aboriginal people in the healing process and revitalizing the cultural and linguistic traditions that have been lost. Although there has been an apology by the Prime Minister of Canada and a promise to renew the relationship with Aboriginal people by our current government, Justin Trudeau, the Acts, policies, and treaties are still being used to put Aboriginal people in a disadvantaged position. For example, Indian Act, altho ugh amended, is still being used. The interview with one activist who is camping outside INAC office states, We need to dismantle the Indian Act. We want to have our own affairs. We want to be able to negotiate better. The Indian Act just spreads more colonialism. Further as Thomas King states in the video, â€Å"Things haven t changed... Still abrogate treaties..still losing land. The methodology has changed, but attitude has not changed.†This shows that there are still works to be done withShow MoreRelatedThe Indian Act Of Aboriginal Affairs1633 Words  | 7 Pageslegislation governed almost all aspects of Aboriginal life, from the nature of band governance and land tenure systems to restrictions on Aboriginal cultural practices. Most critically, the Indian Act defines the qualifications for being a â€Å"status Indian,†and as such has been the centerpiece of Aboriginal anger over federal attempts to control Aboriginal identity and membership. Since being passed by Parliament in 1876, the Indian Act has been the touchstone for Aboriginal affairs in Canada. Few documentsRead MoreCanada’s Shame: The Oppression of Aboriginal Women in the Indian Act1601 Words  | 7 Pagesoppression against women in the Indian Act. Discrimination against Aboriginal people has been a key issue for many years; however society generally skims the surface of this act and tends to give lip service to it without acknowledging the deeper issue of how these oppressions come with it. In the beginning of our research we quickly made a parallel between the oppression of Aboriginal women and the injustices they face and the breakdown in Aboriginal families and communities. 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The intent of this investigation is to show that aboriginal peoples have been mistreated for a long time starting with the Indian Act that passed in 1876 which aimed at the assimilationâ€â€meaning to assume the culture and practices of the Eurocentric settlersâ€â€of â€Å"Indians†. The Indian Act was created by Parliament to define Indian status and to establish their rights thereof. Regardless of theirRead MoreCanad A Diverse Country With People From Different Cultures Living Harmoniously Together1312 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Canada is a diverse country with people from different cultures living harmoniously together. Unlike nations such as America where people consider themselves as Americans first, almost a third of Canadians identify with another culture or ethnic group, in addition to being Canadian. Internationally, Canada is praised for its progressive, antiracist laws that support multiculturalism. While multiculturalism is something that is gaining currency in most countries around the world as aRead MoreThe Horrific Treatment Of Aboriginal Women Essay1619 Words  | 7 Pagesmistreatment of Aboriginal peoples who retreated here for many years prior to the Europeans. This mistreatment was especially hurtful to women of aboriginal cultures. This essay will discuss the horrific treatment of Aboriginal women by removing their statuses and rights as Aboriginal peoples. It will discuss ways in which colonists took away their rights, followed by the impacts this mistreatment had both immediately and e ven now. This essay will then mention the restitution Aboriginal women have beenRead MoreCollective Rights995 Words  | 4 PagesCanadians hold because they belong to one of several groups in society. They are rights held by groups (peoples) in Canadian society that are recognized and protected by Canada’s constitution. Those groups include Aboriginals, Francophone and Anglophones. Treaty 6, 7, 8 states that the aboriginals could have health care, education, hunting and fishing rights, reserves, farming assistance, payments annuities, and special benefits. All in return for the first nations to share their land and agree to obeyingRead MoreViolence Against Women1456 Words  | 6 PagesAboriginal women and girls are strong and beautiful. Unfortunately, they often face life-threatening, gender-based violence and disproportionately experience violent crimes because of hatred and racism (Fact Sheet: Violence Against Aboriginal Women , 2013). According to Statistics Canada, Aboriginal woman are three to five times more likely to experience violence than non-Aboriginal women (Fact Sheet: Violence Against Aboriginal Women , 2013). 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